Abstract: Damper as the air pressure power head steady speed of major components, its performance for the whole power head is particularly important.
Damper as the air pressure power head steady speed of major components, its performance for the whole power head is particularly important. Following a brief introduction of PURROS Company the air pressure power head heads hydraulic damper has seven characteristics used:
1, Anti-corrosion performance is good; all material is employed high quality material. Anti-corrosion performance is excellent.
2, Compact structures and reasonable stress; compact structure and showed a symmetrical structure, small installation space, forces more reasonable.
3, Fast dynamic response; resistance is big, and the dynamic response time is short.
4, Control with small resistance; frictional resistance is small, generally less than the rated load 1%-2%.
5, Swing angles; the head, the tail is hinged joint bearing, allowing the swing angle of ± 6.
6, Long service lives; using special hydraulic oil and sealing medium, stable performance, long service life.
7, High temperature resistant; can work continuously under a temperature of 93℃, the short-time stability can be as high as 148℃.
Damper, Pneumatic power head, hydraulic damper Characteristics, Power head manufacturers